High speed

High speed

Products (Total Items: 23 )
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USB High-speed 13-bit DAQ device with 8 singled-ended or 4 differential analog inputs at up to a 1 MS/s sampling rate, two 32-bit external event counters, a 32-bit PWM timer output and 16 digital I/O lines
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USB DAQ with High-speed multifunction module with eight 13-bit/ 1 MS/s analog inputs and four 12-bit/ 1 MS/s analog outputs
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USB-1608G USB DAQ with 8 differential or 16 single-ended analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, 8 digital I/Os, two 32-bit counters, one timer output, sample rate 250 Ks/s
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USB-1608GX-2AO USB DAQ with 8 differential or 16 single-ended analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, 2 analog outputs, 8 digital I/Os, two 32-bit counters, one timer output, sample rate 500 Ks/s
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USB 8-channel, 16-bit, 250kHz, 2AO simultaneous sampling analog I/O module.
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16 single-ended/8 differential analog inputs/ 1 MHz Throughput/ 24 digital I/O/ four 32-bit counter input channels/ four 16-bit/ 1 MHz analog output channels; and 4 thermocouple inputs
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16-Bit/ 1 MS/s/ High-Speed DAQ Board with 64 SE/32 DIFF Analog Inputs/ 4 Analog Outputs
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DAQ device with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 100 kS/s sample rate, 8 digital I/O, and 1 counter input
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DAQ device with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 500 kS/s sample rate, 8 digital I/O, and 1 counter input
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16-Bit/ 1 MS/s/ High-Speed DAQ Board with 16 SE Analog Inputs/ 4 Analog Outputs. 24 digital I/O. 4/ 32-bit event counters. 4 timer outputs. Designed for OEM and embedded applications
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DAQ device with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 100 kS/s sample rate, 2 analog outputs, 8 digital I/O, and 1 counter input
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DAQ device with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 500 kS/s sample rate, 2 analog outputs, 8 digital I/O, and 1 counter input
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USB-based DAQ board with 64 SE analog inputs/ 1 MS/s sample rate/ 4 analog outputs/ 24 digital I/O/ four 32-bit counters/ and four timers
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DAQ device with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 100 kS/s sample rate, 8 digital I/O, and 1 counter input. OEM version removes enclosure and screw terminals and adds headers.
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DAQ device with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 500 kS/s sample rate, 8 digital I/O, and 1 counter input. OEM version removes enclosure and screw terminals and adds headers.
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