WEB-TC - Thermocouple data logger USB card


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Part number:WEB-TC
USB card with 8 thermocouple input channels J, K, R, S, T, N, E and B for temperature acquisition via WEB server. 24-bit resolution. Built-in ambient temperature sensor.

The WEB-TC is a thermocouple measueremnt device with a built-in web server. Ypu can connect de device to an ethernet port or hub, start up you browser, and view a current data. The WEB-TC is fully supported by the Universal Library and TracerDAQ. These software programs are included on the CD.

Web Interface.
The WEB-TC embedded web interface provides access to current data and configuration settings using a standard web browser. Browse to the device's home page by entering the URL tht is printed on the device into the browser. View current thermocouple measueremnts and channel data, and configure hardware options from the device´s home page. Only one user can change configuration options on the device at time. The web interface is built into the device´s firmware. and does not need to be intalled on a computer. No external software required other than a web browser TCP/IP connection.

TCP/IP connection
A TCP/IP connection is required to acces the web interface. Connect the device´s 10Base-T Ethernet port to a local or wide are network using the supplied Etherned cable, to a sinlge computer trough a hub using the supplied Ethernet cable, or direcly to a computer using standard CAT-5 crossover cable.

WEB-TC Features
The WEB-TC provides eight thermocouple channels and eight digital I/O channels. An external supply shipped with the devi8ce provides de power. On-board LEDs display the status of communication and xternal power. All hardware configurable options are selectable with the web browser or InstaCal. Network configurable aptions are settable with InstaCal. When using InstCal, if the login settings have been changed from the default, a login name and password are required to change the configuration settings.

Thermocouple input channels.
The WEB-TC provides eight differential thermocouple input channels. A 24-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) coveter is provided for each pair of analog inputs. You can take measuremnts from type J, K, R, S, T, N, E, an B thermocouples. The the thermocouple type is software programmable for each channel. Four cold junction compensatin (CJC) sensors are provided for thermocouple measurements. Each CJC sensor is dedicated to two thermocouple input channels. An open thermocouple detection feature lets you detect a broken thermocouple. An on-board microprocessor automatically linerizes the meausremnt data.

The WEB-TC features eight independent temperature alarms. Each alarm controls an associated digital I/O channel as an alarm output. The input to each alarm is one of the temperature input channels. The output of each alarm is software-configurable as active high or low. The user-configurable threshold conditions activate each alarm. When an alarm is activated, the associated DIO channel is driven to the active output state selected.

Digital I/O channels
Eight digital I/O channels are provided to communicate with external devices and to generate alarms. The digital bits are software programmable for input or output. The digital output voltage is switch-selectable for 3.3 V or 5 V logic. A screw terminal is provided for pull-up or pull-down configuration. The digital I/O channels power up in input mode unless the bit is configured for an alarm. When a digital bit is configured as an alarm, that bit is configured as an output and assumes the state defined by the alarm configuration.

  • 24-bit resolution
  • 8 thermocouple input channels
  • Supports TC types: J, K, R, S, T, N, E and B
  • Built-in ambient temperature sensor
  • Separate temperature inputs
  • 8 digital bits of Input/Output
    Includes the CD MCC DAQ with:
  • FREE Graphing and Recorder Software - TracerDAQ ™ 2.0
  • Libraries and examples for C, C ++, VB, Delphi, etc.
  • VIs and examples for LabVIEW ™
  • Configurator Software - InstaCal

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