The SIGLENT SNA5000A series of vector network analyzers has a frequency range of 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz, model with 2 available ports.
Designed to give you an instant insight into dispersion, differential, and time domain measurements. They are effective instruments for determining Q factor, bandwidth, and insertion loss filters and feature impedance conversion, measurement plane movement, limit test, ripple test, accessory simulation, and pull / insert settings. adapter. There are five types of sweep: linear frequency, logarithmic frequency, power sweep, CW time, and segment sweep. The SNA5000A series VNAs also support dispersion parameter correction of SOLT, SOLR, TRL, Response, and Enhanced Response for greater flexibility in R&D and manufacturing applications.
Features - Frequency resolution: 1 Hz
- Level resolution: 0.05 dB
- IFBW range: 10Hz ~ 3MHz
- Supports Bias-Tees
- Interface: LAN, USB device, USB host (USB-GPIB)
- Remote control: SCPI / Labview / IVI based on USB-TMC / VXI-11 / Socket / Telnet / WebServer
- 12.1 inch touch screen
- Video output: HDMI