144-channel digital I/O/ opo-22 The PIO-144 Provides 144 TTL digital I/O lines. The DIO-144 emulates 8255 mode 0 and has a increased output current of 15 mA (source) and 64 mA (sink), which allows it to control LEDs and relay. The DIO-144 consists of eighteen 8 bit bi-directional ports and 2 input lines for interrupt enable and interrupt. The 8 bit ports are named port A(PA), port B(PB), and port C(PC). Port C can be split into two four bit ports. All ports are configured as inputs upon power-up or reset. The DIO-144 uses 4 I/O addresses. The base address is selectable from 200 to 3FF hex. The interrupt signal can be connected to any of the interrupt levels, 2 through 7 .
Features: - Support the +5V PCI bus for PIO-D144
- Support the +3.3/+5 V PCI bus for PIO-D144U/D144LU
- Support the PCI Express x 1 for PEX-D144LS
- 144 channels of digital I/O
- 18 8-bit bi-direction I/O ports
- Pull-high/Pull-low Jumpers for DI Channels for PIO-D144LU/PEX-D144LS
- Card ID function for PIO-D144U/D144LU and PEX-D144LS
- PIO-D144/D144U/D144LU: Five 50-pin flat cable connectors and one 37-pin connector
- PEX-D144LS: One SCSI II 100-pin connector and one 5-pin flat cable connector.
- PIO-D144/D144U/D144LU: DIO response time is about 1 µs (1MHz)
- PEX-D144LS: DIO response time is about 500 kHz