330KS/s 12-bit High Performance Analog and Digital I/O Board The PCI-1800 series is a family of high performance data acquisition boards for PCs with a PCI bus. It features a continuous, 330KHz for low gain (44KHz for high gain), gap-free data acquisition under DOS and Windows. The PCI-1800 family has the same architecture and has two 12-bit D/A output channels, 16 digital input channels, and 16 digital output channels. The PCI-1800H, PCI-1800L provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential inputs. The PCI-1802H and PCI-1802L provide 32 single-ended or 16 differential inputs. The -H means high gain model and the -L means low gain model. The scan function of PCI-1800 is so amazing. We call it Magic Scan. The variable channel scan function is found in some famous data acquisition boards. Compared to Variable channel scan, the Magic Scan improves a lot functions and meets the demand of high end users. The Magic Scan mechanism not only scans the different input channels at vastly different rates, but also at different gain. Even in multi-channel scans, the sampling rates can maintain at 330KS/s.
- PCI bus (v2.1), 33MHz 5V 32-bit.
- 12-bit 330KHz A/D converter
- PCI-1800H,PCI-1800L: 16 single-ended/ 8 differential inputs
- 1K word FIFO buffer
- PCI-1802H, PCI-1802L: 32 single-ended / 16 differential inputs
- 8K word FIFO buffer
- The sampling rates of single channel or multiple channels: 330K samples/s for low gain model and 44K samples/s for high gain model.
- Three different external triggers: post-trigger, pre-trigger and middle trigger
- 16 digital input / 16 digital output channels
- 1800L,1802L: programmable low gain: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8.
- 1800H, 1802H: programmable high gain: 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000.
- Internal / external trigger.
- Two 12-bit independent programmable DAC.
- 2 MHz throughput per channel (maxi)
- 2.7 M word /high speed data transfer rate.
- PCI-1800H, PCI-1800L: expands Channel by using DB-889D
- PCI-1802H, PCI-1802L: expands Channel by using DB-889D and DB-1825
- Half size board