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Part number:OCTTEMP
8-channel/ thermocouple based temperature recorder with mini plug connectors. Include NIST certificate.

The OctTemp is an eight channel thermocouple data logger with a reading rate of up to 4 Hz. It can measure and record 500,000 readings per channel. To maximize memory capacity, users can enable or disable channels. For easy identification, each channel can be named with up to a ten digit title.

In addition, the OctTemp features individual cold junction compensation for each channel providing increased accuracy and response time, and if a probe is removed or severed during logging, the software automatically annotates the data.

The OctTemp is ideal for a variety of applications, whether it is remote temperature monitoring, or multiple points in a central location. Data from all channels is simultaneously logged. After the monitoring cycle is complete, data can be downloaded for analysis.

  • 4 Hz Reading Rate.
  • 500,000 Readings per Channel.
  • Open Channel Detection.
  • Title Channels.
  • Accepts Thermocouple Types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N.
  • External Power or User Replaceable Battery.
  • Pushbutton or Programmable Start.

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