Data Acquisition System DAQBOOK/2005


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Part number:DAQBOOK/2005
Ethernet-based 200 kHz data acquisition system with 16 SE/8 DE inputs (expandable to 256), 40 DIO, and 4 CTR.

Data acquisition system with Ethernet interface, 200 kHz, 16-bit resolution, with 16 common terminal inputs or 8 differentials, analog and digital input, analog and digital output, frequency input and timer output, 4 output channels to 16-bit analogue to 100 KHz.

The DaqBook/2000 series of portable data acquisition devices can synchronously measure analog, frequency and digital inputs. The 16-bit/200 kHz DaqBooks are equipped with an input and output signal function, which can be expanded and enhanced with more than 40 DBK spans and signal conditioning options.

The DaqBook/2000 series includes a 10/100Base T Ethernet interface capable of transferring acquired data back to the PC. Multiple DaqBooks can be connected to a single PC via an Ethernet hub or switch, and are capable of being synchronized and transferring data continuously at high speed to the PC. Up to 10 DaqBooks can transfer 200 K reads/sec to the PC at the same time without loss of data.

  • Analog I/O, frequency input, output time counter and digital I/O, all in one compact and portable compartment
  • Connection to Ethernet provides continuous transmission to PC without data loss
  • 16 bit A/D converter at 200 kHz
  • Operates from -30 to +70 ° C
  • Capacity from 10 to 30 VDC or with AC adapter
  • Synchronous analog, digital and frequency measurements
  • Shooting modes includes analog, digital, frequency and software
  • Virtually buffer infinite pre-trigger
  • 4 analog output channels from 16 bits to 100 kHz (2001 and 2020 models)
  • DaqBooks add more than 40 DBKs by providing a customized low cost system to your particular application
Signal conditioning options:
  • Expansion and signal conditioning options for thermocouples, strain gauges, accelerometers, insulation, RTD, etc. More than 40 DBK I/O expansion options are available.
  • Includes DaqView, application software to obtain data, registration and analysis without effort
  • Integral controllers for DASYLab, LabView, MATLAB, Visual C ++, Visual C #, Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET
  • DaqCal application software for easy calibration
  • Compatibility with Windows: Windows 7/Vista/XP SP2, 32 bits or 64 bits

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