BTH-1208LS - Wireless Multifunction Devices


Price: $249.00

Part number:6069-410-121

Not available for sale in MEXICO
Wireless DAQ Bluetooth or wired USB with 8 single-ended (SE)/4 DIFF analog inputs, 11-bit (SE)/12-bit (DIFF) resolution, 1 kS/s (Bluetooth) or 47 kS/s (USB) sample rate, 2 analog outputs (12-bit), one 32-bit counter, and 8 digital I/O. Windows and Android

NOTE: Due to regulatory requirements, the BTH-1208LS and BTH-1208LS-OEM can only be sold to be used in the United States, Canada, China, EU, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. To be able to sell this DAQ we will require a written confirmation that this will not be imported to be used outside of any of these countries.

Similar products recommendation:
  • USB-1208FS-PLUS: DAQ with the same specifications only without Bluetooth communication but with USB.
  • Go to list of wireless cards with WiFi communication
  • Go to list of wireless cards with ZigBee communication

The BTH-1208LS offers Bluetooth communication in a multifunction DAQ device. When paired with a compatible Windows-based or Android-based host device, the BTH-1208LS offers short-range wireless communication of acquired data. The BTH-1208LS offers analog I/O, digital I/O, and event counter input over either a wireless Bluetooth or physical USB connection.

Bluetooth or USB Operation

The BTH-1208LS can operate wirelessly as a Bluetooth device or as a physically-connected USB device.

When operating as a Bluetooth device, the BTH-1208LS must be paired with the host device before it can wirelessly communicate acquired data. Pairing is a one-time procedure that establishes a bond with the host device.

The BTH-1208LS can transmit data up to 10 meters when operating as a Bluetooth device.

Analog Input

The BTH-1208LS provides up to eight 11-bit SE analog inputs or four 12-bitDIFF analog inputs.

The device offers a fixed ±10 V range for SE measurements, and ±20 V, ±10 V, ±5V, ±4 V, ±2.5 V, ±2.0 V, ±1.25 V, and ±1.0 V ranges for DIFF measurements.

When performing a hardware-paced scan as a Bluetooth device, the BTH-1208LS supports a maximum aggregate sample rate of 1024S/s. The total rate for all channels cannot exceed 1024 S/s.

The following table lists the per-channel sample rates (hardware paced) for one to eight channels in Bluetooth mode.

When operating in BURSTIO mode as a Bluetooth device, the BTH-1208LS can acquire data at a maximum aggregate rate of 47kS/s. BURSTIO scans are limited to the depth of the onboard memory, as the data is acquired at a rate faster than it can be transferred to the computer.

When operating as a USB device, the device supports a maximum aggregate scan rate of 47 kS/s. The total acquisition rate for all channels cannot exceed 47 kS/s.

The following table lists the per-channel sample rates (hardware paced) for one to eight channels in USB mode.

Channel-Gain Queue

The channel-gain queue feature lets you configure a list of chan-nels and gains for each scan. Each channel can have a different gain setting. The gain settings are stored in a channel-gain queue list that is written to local memory on the device. The channel-gain queue list can contain up to 8 elements in SE mode or four elements in DIFF mode. The elements must be unique and listed in ascending order.

Trigger Input

The BTH-1208LS external digital trigger input can be configured for either rising/falling edge, or high/low level.

External Clock Input

An external clock signal connection is provided to pace input scanning operations.

Analog Output

The BTH-1208LS includes two 12-bit analog outputs, each with an output range of 0 V to 2.5 V. The D/A is software paced, and throughput is system-dependent.

Digital I/O

The BTH-1208LS supports up to eight digital I/O lines. When configured for input, the digital terminals can detect the state of any TTL-level input.

Digital input voltage ranges of up to 0 V to 5.5V are permitted, with thresholds of 0.8V (low) and 2.0 V (high).

Each DIO channel is an open-drain output which can sink up to 50 mA for direct drive applications when used as an output.

Inputs are pulled high by default to 3.3 V through 47.5 kOresistors on the circuit board. The pull-up voltage is common to all 47.5kO resistors.

Counter Input

The BTH-1208LS has a 32-bit event counter that can accept frequency inputs up to 1MHz. The internal counter increments when the TTL levels transition from low to high.

Power Options

When connected to a USB power supply, BTH-1208LS receives 5 V power. When the device is connected to a host USB port, USB provides both power and communication.If rechargeable NiMH or NiCd batteries are installed, the bat-teries recharge when the device is connected to a USB host or USB power supply.


The BTH-1208LS is factory-calibrated using a NIST-traceable calibration process. Specifications are guaranteed for one year. For calibration beyond one year, return the device to the factory for recalibration.

  • Eight single-ended (SE) orfour differential (DIFF) analoginputs
  • Maximum Bluetooth® samplerates of 47 kS/s (BURSTIO) or1kS/s (hardware paced) overBluetooth
  • Maximum USB sample rates of47kS/s (hardware paced)
  • Two 12-bit analog outputs
  • Eight digital I/O and one 32-bitcounter input
  • Battery and USB power optionsSupported
  • OperatingSystems:
    • Windows 10/8/7/Vista®/XP32/64-bit
    • Android

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