Analog Input |
Number of channels | 2 |
Resolution | 16 bits |
Output ranges (calibrated) | ±10 V |
Output transient Powered on Duration | 5 ms |
Amplitude | 2 V p-p |
Powered off Duration | 400 ms |
Amplitude | 10 V p-p |
Differential nonlinearity (16-bit monotonic) | ±0.35 LSB typ, ±1 LSB max |
Output current (AOUTx pins) | ±3.5 mA max; leave unused AOUTx output channels disconnected |
Output coupling | DC |
Power on and reset state | DACs cleared to uncalibrated zero-scale: 0 V, ±50 mV unless the alarm function is enabled for the output. AOUTx defaults to 0 V whenever the device is powered on or a reset command is issued to the device, unless the alarm functionality is enabled for the output. |
Alarm Functionality | Either or both outputs may be configured to go to defined values when an Ethernet connection with a host is established or lost. |
Slew rate | 5 V/µs |
Throughput (software paced) | 1000 S/s to 5000 S/s typ, on local network This is the typical throughput when the device and host are both connected by Ethernet to the same local network. The throughput can vary significantly, and typical throughput is not guaranteed if a wireless connection is involved or data is sent over the internet. |
Digital Input/Output |
Digital Type | 5 V TTL input/advanced BiCMOS output |
Number of I/O | 8 |
Configuration | Independently-configured for input or output Pull-up configuration: All pins pulled up to 5 V using 47 K resistors (default). Can be changed to pull-down using an internal jumper |
Digital I/O transfer rate (system-paced) | 100 to 5000 port reads/writes or single bit reads/writes per second typ, on local network This is the typical throughput when the device and host are both connected by Ethernet to the same local network. The throughput can vary significantly, and typical throughput is not guaranteed if a wireless connection is involved or data is sent over the internet. |
Alarm functionality | Any combination of DIO bits may be configured to become outputs and go to defined values when an Ethernet connection with a host is stablished or lost. |
Power on and reset state | All bits are input unless the alarm functionality is enabled for them. |
Input high voltage threshold | 2.0 V min |
Input high voltage limit | 5.5 V absolute max |
Input low voltage threshold | 0.8 V max |
Input low voltage limit | –0.5 V absolute min, 0 V recommended min |
Output high voltage | 3.8 V typ at no load, 3.0 V min (IOH = –3 mA), 2.0 V min (IOH = –32 mA) |
Output low voltage | 0.15 V typ at no load, 0.55 V max (IOL = 64 mA) |
Power on and reset state | Input |